Work off an Easter egg binge? Yeah, right!

For a while now I have been watching my diet, exercising regularly, and all the good stuff.  That said, I have learnt that for my sanity (and the sanity of those around me) there are times when you have to forget about the diet and celebrate the moment.

For me – Easter is one of those times.  For the Easter weekend I do not exercise, I do not track my diet, I just enjoy the occasion…  And eat *lots* of chocolate.

In fact, my Easter chocolate binge has become a tad excessive.  You see, come Monday morning I am back to tracking everything.  So somewhere in my mind I have decided that the best thing to do is to try and eat all of the chocolate I can before the weekend is over.  That way I do not have to balance a large amount of outstanding chocolate with the rest of my diet.  Makes sense?  Right??

Anyway, questionable logic aside, I made a reasonable attempt at “death by chocolate” this year – and when all was said and done I had a small bowl of solid little Easter eggs come Monday morning:


Now, to be clear.  This is a small bowl.  I can hold it in one hand easily.  And these are the smallest little Easter eggs you can get.

So after work I sat and looked at this bowl and thought to myself: “How much exercise would I have to do to be able to eat the whole darned bowl today, and still stay on my diet”.  After a lot of number crunching, the results were depressing (to say the least).

A one hour (60 minute) walk?  Three eggs:



A one hour run, covering over 8 kilometers? Ten eggs:


To eat the whole bowl?  You would literally have to run a marathon.  42 kilometers of running (which for me would take about 4 hours, and would probably kill me in the process).

Tonight I opted for the 8 kilometer run and had ten eggs with a coffee afterwards.  But it does make me quite aware of the fact that I ate a staggering amount of chocolate yesterday, and I will probably be paying for that for a couple of days yet…


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